Types of Hydrogen Detectors

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hydrogen detectors

Hydrogen is playing a key role in the shift to clean energy. However, working with hydrogen is not without its risks and must be done carefully to ensure safety. Gas Leak Detector key element to safe hydrogen handling is proper gas detection. This includes portable and fixed systems that detect H2 leaks before they become dangerous. The best hydrogen gas detectors are reliable and can be used in a variety of applications, including battery charging rooms and power generator areas.

What are the Different Types of Hydrogen Detectors

There are a number of different types of hydrogen gas detectors, all designed to detect hazardous hydrogen. The most common type of sensor is the catalytic combustion hydrogen sensor. These sensors use two beads – one is passivated without any added catalyst and acts as a reference bead, while the other is coated with a catalyst to facilitate interaction with hydrogen molecules. When hydrogen gas comes into contact with the sensor, it changes the balance of the Wheatstone bridge circuit, resulting in an output voltage value Vout that is proportional to the concentration of hydrogen present.

Other types of hydrogen gas detectors include the infrared and semiconductor sensors. Infrared sensors can detect a wide range of gases, but not hydrogen, since diatomic molecules like hydrogen do not absorb infrared radiation. Semiconductor gas sensors are often used for monitoring flammable gases, but they do not offer as sensitive of response to low concentrations of hydrogen and should only be used in conjunction with another gas sensor.

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